BF Hardline
Who's all buying the game? I myself saw it to be entertaining, sadly i wont be able to buy it after this month and once my xbox comes back. I'd also like to ask what is your opinion of the game, Is it worth buying? Did you like the destruction? and most of all how is the gameplay?
P.S Sorry for the way im talking(typing) ive been watching the ROME series on HBOGO and it has me talking all noble like.
Supposedly destruction is still in the game. Beta didn't have so much. I for one stoked about this game.
I've watched some gameplay on YouTube and my personal opinion is it looks sick. Love the whole "cops n robbers" thing they got going on. I have preordered premium with the dlc I'm super stoked and it looks like cod is gonna get dusty
More importantly are we going. To have a server?
--- Excuses are not reasons...excuses are a way not to take fault. Reasons are what happened despite your efforts.---
When they release rental servers we will. Wont be for a few months though.