Tips For Completing the BF Marksman
Good morning,
Every recruit in CAG is required to complete the marksman. And then there are details and little requirements, that you pick up here and there. Things can get confusing, so I made a little guide that will clear everything up and make this easier, it is some other places throughout the site and you can always find information in your application and throughout the forums, but I hope this helps.
This is the current policy on what must occur in order for ALL NEW Recruits to obtain their marksman ribbon. This is one of the requirements in order to receive your Dogg Tags. These tags are essentially your entry card in officially joining CAG. Keep in mind, just because you complete the marksman does not guarantee your placement within CAG. It is simply a requirement.
1. Every recruit has two weeks from the date of their most recent clan application. Two weeks is 14 days. At the end of that 14 days, your kills will need to be verified, and if everything checks out, an officer or appointed member will put in a request for your marksman. You will not be a full member until it is awarded.
2. You must obtain 350 kills with a gun, and only a gun. These must all be verified using the best gun/ribbon rule which has been explained below. (I borrowed some of this, from my Platoon Commander, CAG SGT Bear, with his permission)
To gain a weapon ribbon, you need 6 kills, except for handguns and melee. Melee and handgun ribbons you only need 4 kills. Below is the breakdown of what kills will be accepted.
LMG Ribbon (x4) = 24 kills that is including the 10 MG4 kills because it is consider a LMG
Assault Rifle Ribbon (x3)= 18
There are 42 kills that are allowed. There are 25 questionable kills. Questionable can not be verified so they will not be accepted.
3. Under no circumstance are you allowed to use, explosives of ANY kind. This includes: launchers (all of them), Claymores, C4, grenades (all of them). Basically if it goes Boom! in any way, its a no no. If it goes pow pow, its ok.
4. All gamemodes are allowed.
5. All games must be played with a full CAG member. This does not mean a recruit in CAG, this means, when you look at their name on the forums, it will need to be any color with the exception of White and Pink, so light brown, yellow, green, blue, red, and orange. And they have rank of some kind on the forums. Here is a list of all the current FULL CAG members within Whiskey Company. This is updated by the staff so for the most part it is always up to date.
1st Platoon (Xbox One)
2nd Platoon (Xbox 360)
6. All Battlelog links must be posted in your thread in the outlined format.
Outlined Format - I am using the game from above.
Title: [your gamertag] - the Marksman Ribbon
## kills
Map the game was played on
Game mode [Any]
Date game was played
Full CAG members in game
URL for the battlelog game
After all games are posted for this session, add them up, and make a total count. So if you had 47 kills this session, put something to the effect of 47/350. So that when your games are being verified, we know that your numbers and our numbers match.
We realize that this may seem like a lot. And it may seem very picky or very tedious. But all in all this is about trust. We want members we can rely on, and that can follow instructions. Everyone learns this at young age, its all about how well you do it. This is also a test of responsibility, so we can learn a little bit about you. I hope this helps in your quest to become a part of the family. Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to playing with all of you.