Marksmanship Help
Hey guys and gals,
So I was checking the forums... If I understand properly any full member can confirm marksman games? If so to make it easy. I would like to knock out my marksman games tomorrow. Is there anyone who is available to play? I'll be on roughly most of the day.
what system are you on? you are on the 360 just add my gmertag and i can get you going when i get on
Yes, my apologies. I am on 360.
CAG QU33N send me an add and we can run a few games.
Thanks CAG Qu33n & Duckonquack711. I appreciate the assistance and have added you both to XBL FL. Anyone else who would like to play I am off today 15Jan15 all day. Thanks again. Just trying to make it easier on the C.o.C and take initiative.
ll be on around 3:15 est and we will get you going my man!