SnD ?
Breaks I was wondering if I could put to get er a core search n destroy unit/team I have 3 others that would want to do it also for advance warfare we won every match but 2. I looked and didn't see any posts for this yet and wanted to make sure I had a go head first before posting about it..
I found this area of the site if it means anything? Seems to be alot of cobwebs on it though.
You guys can all get together and play search. There is a topic / thread already in place in the link EXE posted that you can post in. As far as I know there are no S&D only events. SO like stated in the other post go for it. Just be sure that if there is a recruit with you that they want to play that game type. Recruits marksman games come first. New recruits build our ranks and get you more players. Remember if you are on the clan wars roster that those game types need to be played too. For clan wars we can have you guys play all the search games. I say go for it.
If you're gonna do it I'm down. I'll never turn down a game of search
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I thought clan wars was only tdms, which I do not always excel at. Buy if there's is a mix of games types them I am in.
Last nights snd games were good because of our communication abilities. That was alot of fun. So as loinbg as were making sure our recruits and being looked after and we take some time to try and achieve some of our higher level badges I am all in for playing different game modes.
next clan wars then lets get a group together to tackle the s&d side of things. meantime im done to start playing more of that if you guys are
I never really played SnD before last night (only a few times on my own but I'd always have 0 kills and no team).. So last night was definitely fun. Even the hardpoint with RE4PER was crazy.
Clan wars can and will cover all game types. They are called nodes each node is worth a certain number of points. What nodes the clan goes after and when is determined by the highest ranking member on that roster. The app will tell you what game mode to play the leader will select it so that everyone knows. Download the app and study it to see how it works. lots of things there to learn about. I takes a seasoned clan wars player to know when is a good time to switch game types how long it takes to cap something what points are worth going after. There is a lot of strategy involved.
This will be my first clan wars so I'll be sure to study up on it just be prepared for a lot of questions as I'm a noob when it comes to the wars
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Killfrost was telling me about the app to download last night for AW.. I looked into it today but I'm not able to download it since I need to update to get iOS7 which is impossible for me due to the generation of ipod touch I have xP... Is there any other way to 'join' the clan or whatever.. Like in-game? I was wondering about it for ghosts too but wasn't sure if it was the same thing.