Alpha Co COD 360
I would like to say good job to all the recruits that me and RE4PER have been working with. Yes we took on alot of them but with team work we have gotten most of them their marksman. Now I know some of them wanted to give up on it but in the end they got it and I paid off. Good job all of our recruits keep up the good work.
It paid of not I paid off.
i just want to take the time to thank you and Re4per. you guys have done a lot to help me get my marksman and i appreciate it! you both are great guys
It no problem that's what we are here for. Yes both me and re4per get on arounaround the same time but that's cuz I have kids to get to bed. But you recruits that put Hard work into it we see that.
We are happy to help you guys. Its been alot of fun. I look forward to dominating pubs with you guys and gal.
Totally worth Stickinit out and makin it thru marksman.
Thank you guys for doing a great job keep up the good work. And once again Thai you.
I as well appreciate all the time and effort you guys have put in with me...... I have been studying hard and improving every game... Hopefully within the next few days I knock mine out and won't have to ask for an extension on time.
i want to say thank you to everyone who has joined latley. and thank you to reaper and frost for making things happen. and if all of you new members do not know i am breaksk81 and i am the one in charge of alpha. so if you ever need anything and cant figure it out threw reaper or frost just send me a message. even if its to jsut say hi