Domination: Recruit Requirements For Marksman's Badge
To begin you need to find this page COD Marksman. Next you will click on an option that will look like +Post New Thread. Next, you will be taken to a new page, and on this page you will have to make a title for your post and a body for the message. Now, this is the critical part; If you mess this up, you WILL have to redo it. In your title, please put your Username that you use on the site, followed by the words, “Domination Marksman.” This will ensure those that verify your games, and those that verify awards, will be able to find more easily. Again, if you don't do this correctly, you will have to start all over from scratch. So, save yourself some time, please proofread, and make sure everything needed is included. Once that is complete, the body of the message in your new post should be as follows:
20-5 (Kill/Death ratio, Per Each Game you play)
Warhawk (The Map You Played On)
DemikDaGawd (The CAG member you teamed with that will confirm your game(s))
**Please add DemikDaGawd, or any other Domination CAG Member as a friend if you are interested in earning any of the 3 following badges.**
After you post this, kindly remind the CAG member that you teamed with to PLEASE confirm your games. This will be the same format for all of your weapon badges, as well.
Now, for the Good Stuff!
**The following requirements are needed in order to earn your Domination: Marksman Badges, so please read carefully, as some of the accouterments may be slightly different for each mode, or Badge you are working toward:
Domination Marksman Badge
1. Your choices of weapons are Limited to: Assault Rifle(s), Sub-Machine Gun(s) or Light-Machine Gun, and your load-out preference.
2. You must have at least 20 kills, with no more than 10 deaths, 5 times in Hardcore Domination.
Or, You must have at least 25 kills, with no more than 10 deaths, 10 times in Core Domination.
3. Kill streak rewards are NOT allowed, and do not count toward your goal (ex. Choppers, Juggernauts, LOKI, etc.).
4. Explosives are not allowed, and do not count toward your goal (ex. IED's, Grenades, C4, etc.).
Basically, Kills can only come from, and only count via YOUR Weapons (Gun(s) System.
5. You must also be accompanied by a Domination Squad Leader in order to confirm that these requirements are met.
Domination Sharpshooter Badge
The following are the requirements for the Domination Sharpshooter Badge:
1. Your choice of weapon and load-out, Limited to: Marksman Rifle, Assault Rifle(s), Sub-Machine Gun(s), Light-Machine Gun(s), and Pistol.
2. You must have at least 30 kills, with no more than 10 deaths, 10 times in Hardcore Domination.
Or, You must have at least35 kills, with no more than 10 deaths, 15 times in Core Domination.
3. Kill streak rewards are NOT allowed, and do not count toward your goal (ex. Choppers, Juggernauts, LOKI, etc.).
4. Explosives are NOT allowed, and do not count toward your goal (ex. IED's, Grenades, C4, etc.).
Basically, Kills can only come from, and only count via YOUR Weapons (Gun(s) System.
5. You must also be accompanied by a Domination Squad Leader in order to confirm that these requirements are met.
Domination Expert Badge
The following are the requirements for the Domination Sharpshooter Badge:
1. Your choices of weapons are Limited to: Assault Rifle(s), Sub-Machine Gun(s) or Light-Machine Gun, and your load-out preference.
2. You must have at least 40 kills, with no more than 10 deaths, 10 times in Hardcore Domination.
Or, You must have at least 45 kills, with no more than 10 deaths, 20 times in Core Domination.
3. Kill streak rewards are NOT allowed, and do not count toward your goal (ex. Choppers, Juggernauts, LOKI, etc.).
4. Explosives are NOT allowed, and do not count toward your goal (ex. IED's, Grenades, C4, etc.).
Basically, Kills can only come from, and only count via YOUR Weapons (Gun(s) System.
5. You must also be accompanied by a Domination Squad Leader in order to confirm that these requirements are met.
Thank you for choosing CAG as your Clan HQ. We are ready for you to show us what you got!