requesting a name change to CAG RE4PER
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requesting a name change to CAG RE4PER
I have changed my gt to CAG RE4PER and also updated my profile.
can some one please fix this. i need the new recrutes to be able to find him. thanks in advance
You need to be patient with username changes ... it's not just about changing the username, I have a 4 step process before a username is changed .....
but CAG RE4PER is updated now !!!!
Ok. I didn't know it was such a long process. But I swear I seen frost had his name change already. And I thought reaper put his in first lol.
I think he seen mine then did it lol but yea RE4PER was first.. it's all good all we can do is show are love for our CAG family.
Thanks guys for getting this done. Had several new recruits telling me they could find me on XBL today.