BF Brigade / Whiskey Company Roster Announcements
On behalf of the Battlefield Brigade leaders, I would like to announce some new assignments for the BF Brigade and Whiskey Company. These guys have worked hard to maintain and improve Whiskey Company and have our thanks and support to continue to make Whiskey the best that it can be. I do want to thank CAG Sgt Bear for his service as Whiskey Company Commander and wish him the best as the Xbox 360 Division Commander.
European BF4 Battalion Commander
CAG Archangel has been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and replaces CAG RAZ (moving to PS4)
Whiskey Company Commander
MoB Corleone352 has been promoted to Captain and replaces CAG Sgt Bear
Whiskey Company XO
CAG RzaRay has been promoted to 1st Lieutenant and replaces CAG Archangel
Whiskey 1st Platoon Commander
CAG MERZiN8 has been promoted to 1st Lieutenant and replaces MoB Corleone352
With any changes at this level, gaps are left as people are promoted. Whiskey Company HQ and Platoon Commanders will be working to determine the individuals to fill those gaps.
BF Brigade / Whiskey Company Roster Announcements
Congrats guys. Strong leaders breed more of the same, as we see here.
Whiskey brothers forevs!