Hey Group
Hey group
My name is Rob or Reaper. Just applied. Looking forward to meeting you all and gaming. I am mainly a COD player but I do play Destiny, GTA V, Minecraft. If you looking to fill a spot in a COD game let me know. My Xbox Live GT is Ruthless RE4PER.
I do alot of research in COD weapons, perks, and attachments if ever have any questions let me know I will do my best to get you the info.
Hey there! Are you on the One or 360
if you are on the one my GT is CAG Twonn add me so we can knock out your marksman
I play on 360. Maye one day I will get the X1
Reaper. Go to the blops thread and post on there which on you play as your main. Also add my gt. Soulseeker1972
Feel free to shoot me a fq!
You guys have an EU team?
Welcome, add me when you get xbox one gt = stainshake
Just hit me up if you ever get the one man
Question about rank. I am currently a Lance Corporal, Fire Team Leader. I have met the requirements for Corporal by having 300 plus posts. When I read the duties of a Corporal it says that you are a recruiter. I am sure I'm just not looking in the correct place but what are the duties expected of a recruiter. I am currently working with several recruits to try and earn their marksman badges. I also have been posting on the COD AW clan recruitment forum.
Trying to get new members.
Also who would I contact about what other tasks need to be completed to be promoted to Corporal.