XBOX 360 Division Commander Billet is Open
I am posting this to let everyone in the clan know that the position (Billet) of XBOX 360 Division Commander is open and I will be looking to fill it ...
As we all know we still have many new recruits who are coming in to join who still play on the 360 and we need someone to oversee and command the 360 Division on an every day basis .... I already have 2 people in mind but anyone who is interested in commanding the 360 Division should apply for it ...
To apply for this go to the apps and fill out an app for officer Make sure you answer all the questions as thorough as possible, you are applying to become a 1 Star General and any half ass applications will be immediately removed from consideration.
If you can not be active on a daily basis both on the forums and on xbox live "DO NOT" even bother filling out an application, also if you can not be easily reached by either phone, text or private message "DO NOT" apply !!!
This is a very time consuming position (billet, role) in CAG and not just anyone can do the job for it , it requires a lot of time both on xbox live and on the forums, you will be dealing with a lot of issues that most of you never see or hear about in the public forums, you will be required to come up with ideas to keep the 360 Division running smooth day in and day out.
Any and all questions need to be asked here on this thread, if you send me a private message with any questions about this I will not answer them and will not consider you for the position. Your questions are probably questions that others have about this position and me answering them here answers the question for everyone.
So here is an opportunity for someone to step up and move up the ranks, take advantage of it who ever you are, CAG is an equal opportunity "clan" and I am here proving that anyone can get a shot at moving up the ranks if they work hard for it !!!
XBOX 360 Division Commander Billet is Open
I have a few questions:
1. Would I need to fill out another officer application, even though I'm already a officer in CAG?
2. Due to my work I can't be active on Xbox live daily but I use the smart glass app for both the 360 and one. On my days off I will be on. Would that be a issue?
3. I do play on the Xbox1 but I know if award this position that the 360 takes priority. Will that be a issue.
I look forward from hearing back before I go forward with putting my name for this position
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