Need To Get Some Things Off My Chest
Sorry to rant...I mean NO DISRESPECT by ANY means but this is something I feel that I need to get off my chest
As of late...there has only been one CAG member that has gamed with me or even messaged me..
I had messages from a while back with people telling me to add them...I did so and no response, no accepts or denys....they sat there for 3 months...
ive been a member since July and have been pretty vocal about wanting to do more and get promoted but it seems like 99% of the time its fallen on deaf ears...
I know my work schedules have been weird..but between my health issues AND working TWO jobs I still find time to get online and try gaming with other people...
I was brought into a game a few days ago...I dont even know why I have it still..but I backed out because its a game I dont play and shit and everyone in there sounded disappointed when I couldn't connect because I didnt have shit unlocked or anything (which ive also asked for help with that game too, but.......................*crickets*)
This is the reason why I havent been here on the site lately, seems like I try but to no avail....
I dont want to leave and trust me I have no intentions on leaving....
seems like ive been ignored but a HUGE majority as of late and it really pisses me off.....this isnt how CAG was when I first joined and it hurts knowing that im trying to recruit quality people, im trying to be online as much as possible to game and talk with yall, but all I get is silence....
I didnt mean to upset or offend anyone, but this has been brewing in my mind for quite some time and I feel like I needed to let it out and vent and to also share my feelings and thoughts with yall...