Some News
Right I don't know weather to be excited or cry,once u read you will understand lol
I started a thread not long ago about being due a phone upgrade so I upgraded.when I upgraded I got a package deal from Carphone warehouse and part of this package deal was a xbox 1 which was delivered yesterday.bare in mind this was console only,no games.
So last night I sorted out my stuff with the 360 games.i have been thinking for sometime now about giving my boy the 360 once I got the one so he picked from the 27 games what he wanted to keep and I took the rest to game.co.uk store to redem them for in store credit to possibly go towards battlefield 4 and possibly titan fall.
As we all know trade ins give a shit price and the store credit for the 15 games was worth £39.47.the current retail for battlefield 4 is currently at £49 and I dam well sure wasn't buying it preowned.titanfall was retailing at £35 so I ended up getting titanfall.
So u all can see what the cry is about.
As soon as I have the readies I will be purchasing battlefield 4 as i ain't missing that shit on the x1.
Everything from my point will be handled the same way as we have adequate members on 360 that know how whiskey should be run inside out.
I expect there still to be a high level of CAGship with our 360 members within whiskey,high standards of gameplay,high standards in lobbies as well as our party chats.any problems I can still be reached via xbox live written message or on the website.
This I discussed briefly with pawz and kuj before now as I don't want u 360 guys thinking I dropped u all because its far from it.im still the same person that u 360 guys have known for over a year of my time within CAG,I will always strive to do the best I can for not only the clan but the best I can for every single last member within our ranks.
So there u have it guys,tonight will be the first night of an end of an era with the 360 and the start of a new beginning with a new evolution with the next generation console.
Game on guys!!!!!! Game on!!!!!!
He has joined the Dark Side! ....
I wish I had a one...but....im broke...for now...
For now ill stay on the 360....soon I too will be on the dark side
I am not sure if anyone has stated this yet, but Welcome to Next Gen. There are ups and downs, but for the most part. It is an adventure. Looking forward to playing some TF with you buddy!
Oh john I'm gonna miss ya lol till I get a nnew x1 lol your going thoroughly enjoy the x1
Battlefield brigade
- CAG pisspawz
- Brigade commander
Sick guy john I'll be joining you at the end of September.
Lieutenant Colonel
European Brigade Commander
Welcome to the 1 John
Tapatalk Master
CAG GypsyOutlaw
Commandant of CAG
Loyalty Honor Respect
Now it's an orgy
I'm Toxicbob and I approve this message
YAAAAYYY John here's on welcome to the X1 Division!
CAG Randuken
Major General