No Idea Whats Going On
Ive now been a part of CAG for a while now, and only about 3 people have ACTUALLY talked to me on live..trying to get marksman shit done for COD, and nothing...ive sent out some friend request and had them declined...honestly I feel like its almost a lost cause..
I dont want to leave...trust me yall seem like a awesome group of people...but im really fed up with feeling like im being ignored...
even in the chat 9 times out of 10 I say something or ask something its like "eh fuck it..."
I signed up to game and talk to people...but all I see my self doing is gaming alone
Can someone...ANYONE...lead me in the right direction?
did you send a message saying who you are with the requests?
Scotty wasent it you that was suposto be getting your marksmen with hum freak because I couldn't get on ATM. Or am I thinking of some one else. Because if you need some on to help you on ghost or mw3 on the 360 I'll get on first thing tomorrow and help u get it done.
yeah and ive been trying...but thats one person out of I dont know how many..ive sent request and everything...it sucks going into games and lobbys alone...it really does...I really dont wanna bitch and complain im just trying to figure out what IM doing wrong and vent ya know?
You fine. I glad your expressing your thoughts. The thing is you applied for I think black ops 2 or mw3. Not many people have them ges to be able to help you out. Most of the 360 side is on ghost. But I'll get on tomorrow from 8:30 am till 11 am cent time and then back on from 13:00 till 16:30. Pm. And will talk ad figure this out.
Scott man feel absolutely free to send me a friend request gt - johnbai84 I'm dominantly 360 and a battlefield guy but I do have ghosts and black ops2 and if I can help ya out I will even if it's to bare witness to ur marksman.my time zones is uk/European time zone.
Quick note also I'm not saying this to step on any of our cod guys toes just merely trying to help a new recruit out with what he needs
Whiskey Regiment Commander
thanks guys...sorry for sounding like a bitchy fat kid who lost his ice cream cone....
Your good man as long as you keep it respectfull then your good
And If you decide to come play with Battlefield. I can help ya with your Awards