Sorry For My Absence...
It has come to my attention that lately I have been sucking ass at being a member of CAG. I haven't been on the forums in way too long, and I havent been playing BF4 at all... for this I am sorry. The summertime season has me working my ass off and I've been busy with a few other things too...
I will be getting on tonight and will do my best to be a participating member of CAG, but these next few months are just super busy for me.
Just felt like I should apologize to my CAG brothers!
If your getting on BF4 tonight, XB1. Hit me up.
Good to see you in game bro. Good games.
1st Lieutenant - CAG (LT) Archangel
Whiskey Company XO
don't worry about apologizing man, life happens. its one of the pros to being in a casual clan. play when ya can, post when ya can. in the future though, and its just a suggestion not a "you better fuckin do this or else!" lol, if life is getting crazy or what not just make a quick heads up kind of post on the forums.
You guys are truly great! Welcome back, too
Take ya time bro we will always be here
Welcome back man!!, was sweet to play a game with ya
Same things been goin for me too bro. Good to see you in game earlier!
Pondered upon a rainy plateau, with a coal forge, and many dragon.
Take care of your shit bro! We will be here!
No need to say sorry my Man. ..handle business. ... this is your home now and as long as u respect your Brother n the CAG Family we will always have ur little corner waiting for u....
It's really grand to be the kind of person who apologises when he's done nothing wrong. Good on you man :)