Application (Recruit Me!)
Looking for a clan to join, I have A 360 and the Xbox One. If your clan plays any of the following games, Feel free to recruit me!
-BF4(Xbox One); I am not the best at BF4, But I can hold my own weight and bring our team the W.
-Watch Dogs(Xbox One) ; I'm not aware if there even is a Watch Dogs clan, But if so, Recruit me!
-Titanfall(Xbox One) ; I am kickass at Titanfall, Mostly aggressive rushing gets me to the top.
-Ghosts(Xbox One & 360) ; I'm not a big fan of COD, but when it comes to slaying with SMG's, I'm that guy.
-GTA 5 (360) ; I have been in many variations of GTA clans and I can take out any orders given to me.
-Minecraft (360) ; Experienced builder with many unique projects!
If you're interested in recruiting me, contact me through either of the ways below;
Private Message
Xbox, Gamertag; Ruse Varial
Thank you for your time :D