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Okay guys so as you can see from the title it's my first anniversary in CAG and is going to be the first of many.
Cheech my man if you it wasn't for you I would not be here, today. You aloud me back when I left on, not the best terms.
But here I am today a year on rocking the shit out of battlefield with my fellow
So again thank you.
Johnbai64, Pawz, - from the first day I rejoined CAG you guys have helped me so much along my long journey.
I remember when it was literally just us three on the roster when everybody left, it was a very difficult time and the moral was 6ft under ground.
But we stuck around and help build it into the army it is today, by perseverance and trust in each other.
I'd love to do a personal touch for everybody but I'd literally be sat here for hours so I'd like to thank each and every one of you on the Whiskey roster, for sticking by us through thick and thin and believing in us, if it wasn't for all of you we would not be here today.
You guys are a smashing bunch of fellows and I've enjoyed every second smashing the battlefield with you all.
And the last thing if like to say is
"The weak come and go, but the strong stay eternal"
And that is so very true so if you feel like throwing in the towel don't, do something about it.
As I've said before you can either look at it in a criticism type of way or you can look at it as a challenge, one that you aim to over come.
So again thank you to all who have stood by CAG over my time here, and I'm sure this will be another enjoyable year.
And many many more after that.
Whiskey company XO
1st Lieutenant