FT2 - Alpha Squad
Firstly, Thanks to MoB for the good news on being the Fire Team 2 leader.
I've played with, Colonel Sauveee, Xgunner07x and Merzin8 a few times and as usual, CAG has no slouches.
Here is what i think we need to work on, for CAG in general but for our FT2 specifically:
although we've played together, i'm looking forward to more games and getting to know your particular game styles better.
It's important to know what your strengths and weaknesses are. Some players are better supports, recons, engineers, etc. Same goes for particular vehicle types, maps, game modes etc.
It would be great if you can adapt to different FT and Squad needs. I will run Engineer or Assault 80% of the time but if we are too heavily stacked in one role or our team is asking for someone to play a different role, i can easily give them that role and still be effective. (OK, OK, recon no so much)
Let's figure out where we are strong, and how we can best adapt to changing situations. If we are changing roles during a game, let's communicate that to each other. I will usually tell team mates i'm changing to engineer to deal with too many vehicles, i even get to the point where i tell you i'm going anti-air or anti-ground. This info can influence what load outs you may want to use and it can mean we are a more effective unit.
So please post your thoughts here. What are you go-to loadouts? what are you comfortable with? and of course, let's get on and kill some enemies.
Good Afternoon,
I have played with everyone except xgunner07x, so be looking for a FR, buddy.
When it comes to play style for me, I try to stay all around as much as I can, lately I have pushing to Assault/Engineer classes to complete challenges but I also throw on some Support to resupply. I tend to switch off based on what I need and what is needed by the squad depending on what is going on. The only thing I am not so great at is sniping, like with the gun. I am fairly confident with my spotting skills and have used the MAV a couple times. Like I said with a sniper rifle, do not count on much, however I can throw on a Carbine/DMR and do ok.
Basically my talent is adaptability, not only in gaming but I try and maintain that mindset in my personal and professional life as well. I can or at least try very hard to adapt to all situations, no matter how outside my comfort box they are. My strengths are run and gun with a PDW. My weakness is camp, well, any kind of camping really and sniper rifles/shotguns. Everything in the middle is room to improve.
Playing Schedule: Most of the time I play late at night and I get on at least a few nights a week and at least one night on the weekend.
Communication: I am all about communication, on and in the game, and even outside the game. I came from leadership in HpG and one thing I take pride in, is that ANYTIME ANYONE needed or needs to contact me, I can respond no matter where I am, even if they are outside the continental US. I have a Google Voice number that allows me to get text messages, although you cannot call it because I do not have minutes for talk, I can get unlimited text from anywhere. Canada, England, Scotland, Australia. So long as you are on Earth and have an internet connection, I can be reached. And for the most part I am ok with that. If I am sleeping or working I may not answer right away but I will.
Looking forward to playing more with you and the rest of the team. Thank you and have a nice day.
Google voice text works in low orbit. Just sayin ;-)
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FT2 - Alpha Squad
Congrats nuno! Keep up the awesome work!
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Sorry I havnt been on lately. Im on vacation and dont have my xbox one with me. Wont be back till about mid june. See you guys then
Sent from the penalty box