What's your favorite gun in Titanfall?
Mine is the C.A.R. SMG or the R-101c carbine
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What's your favorite gun in Titanfall?
Mine is the C.A.R. SMG or the R-101c carbine
I enjoy the carbine, but smart pistol and satchel charge are to funny to pass up
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Hard to say but ill have to go with the heavy sniper rifle, carbine rifle and C.A.R. MSG... but satchel charges are my favorites to mess with people
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Carbine with a holo scope shit is money :)
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What about titan guns? Mines the quad rocket with rapid firw
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i like the carbine with holo and ext mag. On the titan i like the machine gun that starts off slow and gradually goes into rapidfire with the ext mag, and the homing missiles :)
I love is the R-101C Carbine, Hemlok BF-R, G2A4 Rifle, but my all time favorite is C.A.E. SMG. The gun for my Titanfall would be the 40mm Cannon with 3 burst..
For me, it all goes with the play style that I'm in the mood for.
Most of the time I do better with a fast run n gun style.
Pilot: CAR SMG with counterbalance for easy hipfiring...and charge rifle because why not?
Titan: Ogre, arc cannon because it makes easy titan and pilot kills, cluster missile to get pilots in hiding.
the kraber spitfire and longbow are all starting to grow on me also
Yeah I'm starting to like the smg
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