Ft Leader Role
Hey guys as u all know we had a empty spot on the roster for a ft leader.its took me a bit to get this sorted out due to unforseen circumstances that needed to be taking care of.
I'd like to introduce CGC rage now known as CAG Destroyer into this role.hes been here a while now a think he deserves the chance.
I have every faith in u man any problems remember to utilise ur chain of command and I wish u well with this Newley appointed position of Fire Team 3 leader.
European Battlefield Battalion Commander
Re: Ft Leader Role
congratz homie
from the dark waterz
Re: Ft Leader Role
Congrats Destroyer, I know you've being waiting a while for this type of position.
Hope you can live up to the standards my man.
And again congrats
Battlefield Brigade
1st Lieutenant
Re: Ft Leader Role
Yep...I remember you coming thru the doors and feeling your way.
Now look atchoo...you've earned it my friend. Let's kick the tyres and light the fires big daddy!
sent from the edge of your perception
Re: Ft Leader Role
Congrats CAG Destroyer on your new role.
Re: Ft Leader Role
Congrats Destroyer. I think you should 'Destroy' at this role (pardon the pun).
Keep it up!
Re: Ft Leader Role
Congrats man! Keep it up!
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk
Re: Ft Leader Role
Congratulations man. I'm happy for you
Sent from Dr Evils hideout while using tapatalk
Re: Ft Leader Role
Re: Ft Leader Role