How I Play Engi In Conquest, XB1
got a request from Bear for this - what i'm gonna do is talk about how i play the Engi in Conquest because there are so many different ways to play this class in each mode, none of them being more wrong or right than the other.
SG553 - Kobra RDS/Suppressor/Green Laser/Angled or Folding Grip
SW40 - RPG - Repair Tool if i'm vehicle whoring/AT Mines if i'm on the ground
for the perk i will use Anti Tank if i'm playing Infy and Mechanic if i'm vehicle whoring.
i like to use a suppressor because there are 32 people who could be looking at the mini map and able to find you and snuff you out. finding the best gun was a challenge as i needed something versatile. it needed to remain accurate at range with a suppressor and still have a high rate of fire and i feel like the SG553 is the best at both of those things as far as carbines go. the M4 is a good option but the rate at which i lost hip spray battles was TOO DAMN HIGH and unacceptable as a tryhard. the AK5C is also another great choice.
i also prefer AT Mines over Slams. don't get me wrong, slams are fun and new and exciting but AT Mines do more damage and in a Tank/IFV heavy map like Golmud you'll appreciate them.
when i'm vehicle whoring i prefer Tanks. Scouts are fun as well as RCB and i think i've covered my loadouts for those a while back and they've mostly remained unchanged.
as far as tactics i went over most of what i do in my post from yesterday.
some tips for AT Mines - hope your blueberries don't blow up/pick up any enemy mines and put yours with theirs. outside of the enemy base works well as long no one else does the same thing before you do. once you get them once or twice the jig is generally up. don't bunch them together and try to put them in high vehicle traffic areas.
if you have any specific questions Bear then feel free to ask.
as a general message to everyone my loadouts and playstyle won't work for everyone. try to incorporate things that i do that maybe you didn't know along with your own tried and true methods and see what happens.