Surefire Mining
Hey, just wanted to share some mine tips I've found that work really well.
Rockin' those slams, you can ram them, but they won't always detonate due to a movement requirement.
Try setting one in a crater next to a rock, one at the inner lip, and one on the rock, works best if the rock has a bush. This makes them harder to spot and call, and also gives a broader AoA. Lines of mines are easily tagged when not concealed and very often avoided.
AA mines! The dirty harry of BF4. Rock a rooftop setup with one at either side facing opposite directions for helo deterrence.
Or rock a denial setup, get near the enemy's spawn, find some brush, face one towards air kit spawns, and one directly behind it in the other way. They will have a lock and fire coming out, and probably use C.M's, but as they fly over using them, the angles give time to provide the secondary mine a shot, usually disabling and crashing low altitude fliers.
Enjoy mining! Record the gold, and share!
Re: Surefire Mining
AA mines... so dirty just writing the word.
Re: Surefire Mining
Love slams I stick that shit everywhere.like on Zavod at a flag I stick that shit to the sides of the two concrete wall on the side entrance for the vehicles coming in round.works a treat and the hate mail u receive is unreal.one past match I got the same guy 7 times before the idiot decided oh I better not lol
European Battlefield Battalion Commander
Re: Surefire Mining
i really really really miss getting rage messages for shitting on someone too hard.
Re: Surefire Mining
I was accused of using a wall hack lol like wtf if that shits sticky it needs to be stuck to something lol
European Battlefield Battalion Commander
Re: Surefire Mining
Nice good tips
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