Recruit Probation Efficiency
wasn't really sure what to title this so there you have. the overall theme is utilizing every recruits 30 days of probation a little more efficiently.
every recruit has 30 days of waiting upon completion of their marksman before they become a full member of the clan. i think collectively we can make more use out of those 30 days to make time go a little faster for the recruit and also get more cohesion when we play.
in the following example i will use the word "gimmes" numerous times. that is a reference to the two closest flags to our home base. the term "back capping" is in reference to the enemy team taking out "gimme" flags when our team pushes up. "the burn" is a reference to the ticket burn off when the enemy team has more flags capped then our team.
an example of this would be last night myself and another member along with 2 recruits were playing conquest on rogue transmission. right off the bat our team made a quick fairly quick 4 flag cap. the team then proceeded to push A flag. in the meantime the enemy back capped our E, D and C flags quickly turning the burn in favor of the enemy team. upon noticing this i naturally went back to try and cap C flag on my own and died. i asked for help in doing so but did not receive any. one recruit even mentioned something along the lines of wondering what flag to attack to which i replied "we need to get our gimmes back". this did not happen.
now i know i could have said something like "fall back and help get the gimmes" but i don't want to be that guy who only makes commands all the time. everyone paid 65 dollars for the game therefore may play any way they wish.
in the end, our team did not get our gimmes back soon enough and our team lost by 6 tickets. they had us 2 flag back capped for at least 250 or so tickets.
this is just one example of things we could do with those 30 days. teaching mini map awareness, knowing when to fall back and overall playing as more cohesive squad.
i know this could come off as me just being unsatisfied but when we lose by 6 tickets because we couldn't get our gimmes back i personally don't feel like it comes off that way.
as i previously stated this could give recruits a little something more to fill time up during those 30 days.
other things that could be "taught" so to speak is knowing when to and when not to take the air, especially as a squad. sometimes we pick bad times for our whole squad to go air born. other things would include some basic tips and cohesion for Armor teams, example tank driver/gunner - repairman. who will play what class within the squad, for example last night 3 of us were support on Lockers.
whether or not this is should be implemented or if it even a good idea is up to you officers to decide. all i can do is make the suggestion.
Re: Recruit Probation Efficiency
blame you are the squad leader so this is all you.. so if there is nobody helping you retreat to back cap the gimmies then is you who needs to say listen guys we need to move as one unit i help get over here we win as a team and lose as a team but in the end you are their leader.. and yes when i play metro or lockers i get my squad mates to run 4 medics and 1 support. 3 supports is not a good thing as everyone dies more frequent due to it being close quaters. and you and the other full members should have suggested to play rush,dom,tdm so the 2 recruits kills could have counted towards their marksman.. when i'm playing conquest and see a recruit join my game i automatically say lets start marksman and we leave conquest and a game mode where theirs count... so if this is something that you want to emploment within alpha squad then call a squad meeting and talk about it so everyone is on the same page.. fair enough????
Re: Recruit Probation Efficiency
for sure man, more than fair. when i think about it, it's probably the best way to go about it. i guess my next step will be either tonight or tomorrow in my down time i'll work out more details and then make a post for an Alpha FT leader meeting. thanks for getting to this quick bud, appreciate it.
Re: Recruit Probation Efficiency
Take charge my man! Tell everyone one to shut up and listen lol. I couldn't hear you last night.
If we moved and worked as a squad we get a shit ton of points.
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Re: Recruit Probation Efficiency
Well maybe not tell them to shut up but to listen is more of an ideal thing to say lol
Battlefield brigade
-CAG pisspawz
-Company commander
Recruit Probation Efficiency
When you think of it from a Military standpoint there is a reason there is one Squad Leader that commands.
Blame you have earned this position and there is also a reason for that.
I think Recruits need CAG values to be explained to them. Maybe we could come up with a witty one line Whisky company mission statement that recruits have to acknowledge they understand? Something along the lines of:
Whiskey Company: Check your ego at the door, know your role, know your rank.
This would give us a reference if we have a recruit we feel is not being a team player.
On a side note I think as a whole our brigade could buy into the one commander idea a little more. Have on person kinda take charge every game and then rotate, maybe even play as commander in game? I think if some of us regular members try it and find it fun then we can show recruits that it can be fun to take orders, play as a team, and win.
Sent from the Great White North