360 Alpha FT2
If i can get -LutherKluasAmon (US) -KarmazGHOST (US) -DirtRider500R (US) and Ch3dz (UK)
To replay with the following.
Time zone
Play times
Game Type
Load Out type
Here is Mine
Time zone Eastern
Play times - Late nights after midnight or select afternoons
Game Type - Conquest
Load Out type - Engineer
Headset - Yes
Re: 360 Alpha FT2
Time zone - Central
Play times - After 1800
Game type - Any
Load out - Any
Headset - Of course
Sent from the divine.
Re: 360 Alpha FT2
Quick update on Ch3dz wolfhunter,currently he has no means of getting on the forums but if u guys add him up and send party invites or game invites he will join u guys for sure.hes got good coms and skills as a battlefield player.he played with us last night and mentioned that him and his misses were looking to invest in a lap top or tablet or something as he had issues with his net service provider.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Re: 360 Alpha FT2
Thanks for the replies.
John I have played with ch3dz gotta check but sure he is on my FL.
Luther I'll catch up with ya hopefully Wednesday or Thursday (19/20)
Sent from a place with free wifi.