Call of Duty: Ghosts Customization Packs Thread
Call of Duty: Ghosts Gets New Customization Trailer Showing Off Makarov Legend Pack and More
By : Amanda Dyar on Wednesday, March 5, 2014 | 8:23 AM
Activision has announced the release of a brand-new trailer featuring all of the recently added customization options for Call of Duty: Ghosts. Some of the new customization options available to players includes the Makarov Legend Pack, Zakhaev Special Character and more. Read on.
The new customization options include:
- Makarov Legend Pack: Play as Vladimir Makarov, one of the most ruthless villains in Call of Duty history. This Pack contains a Makarov Multiplayer Character and unique Personalization Pack featuring a themed weapon camo, reticle, patch, playercard and background.
- Zakhaev Special Character: Zakhaev is one of the most dangerous villains in Call of Duty lore. Play as this insane revolutionary in Multiplayer.
- Rorke Special Character: Play as Rorke, the former leader turned nemesis of the Ghosts. Take control of this battle-scarred villain in Multiplayer.
- Hazmat Suit Special Character: Though it won't protect from a hailstorm of bullets and shrapnel, the all-new Hazmat Suit ensures you will stand out from the crowd in any Multiplayer match.
To learn more, visit the official Call of Duty: Ghosts website.
Re: Call of Duty: Ghosts Customization Packs Thread
I might get the Zakhaev pack but you can't change nothing about him...they should allow you to add different body suits and shit ...
Re: Call of Duty: Ghosts Customization Packs Thread
Honestly this stupid in my opinion waste of money if people have to pay for it
Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
Re: Call of Duty: Ghosts Customization Packs Thread
Makarov pack is nice..camo looks nice
Sent from the little black box
Re: Call of Duty: Ghosts Customization Packs Thread
Should all be free to season pass holders in my opinion :-). We would have more to look forward too.
Sent from one happy bunny :-)
Re: Call of Duty: Ghosts Customization Packs Thread
yeah. The packs are nice but the major thing people will see is makarov and the patch//background. Not the camo so 1 quarter is already failing.
Season pass should get it for free as well (Like myself!)
Re: Call of Duty: Ghosts Customization Packs Thread
Instead of spending time doing this shit, they should be working on fixing the fucking game.
This game is just becoming more of a joke every day, from the horrible hit detection to the cheating and hacking going on. Everyone who plays clan wars sees what I am talking about here, nothing but unskilled gamers who run around with modded controllers that completely ruin and fun of playing this game.
Wtf is are weapon camos going to do for my game or the way the game plays? NOTHING!
Re: Call of Duty: Ghosts Customization Packs Thread
Originally Posted by
CAG CheechDogg
Instead of spending time doing this shit, they should be working on fixing the fucking game.
This game is just becoming more of a joke every day, from the horrible hit detection to the cheating and hacking going on. Everyone who plays clan wars sees what I am talking about here, nothing but unskilled gamers who run around with modded controllers that completely ruin and fun of playing this game.
Wtf is are weapon camos going to do for my game or the way the game plays? NOTHING!
Thats why im playing BF4 at the moment . Im done with COD for now . I have not been playing online for long but I can see when something needs fixing .
They need more fixing less glitzing .
Re: Call of Duty: Ghosts Customization Packs Thread
I wound up getting Inferno and Merrick...