Practice Nights (xbox 360)
I would like input on when and what time we should have practice night. I want everyone to consider our players from UK and Europe. I know it will be hard not having our own server but I don't think we should wait anymore. Great things take time to develop and we can be great. I think it should be done on the weekend and the days on the weekend should be rotated. Who's down.
Re: Practice Nights (xbox 360)
Me Me i am
from the dark waterz
Re: Practice Nights (xbox 360)
I think practice should bbe done any day of the week if we can arrange it depending on ppls schedules
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Re: Practice Nights (xbox 360)
I love gaming with all my bf4 bros on 360 and 1. With my work schedule I can't be on everyday. I just don't want to lose and is willing to be more discipline in my game play.
Re: Practice Nights (xbox 360)
I can be on majority of the time. I can run practices if needed
Re: Practice Nights (xbox 360)
So is Monday no good dude?
I am good for weekend nights (gmt)...and we know John can't be so free with his time...
sent from the edge of your perception
Re: Practice Nights (xbox 360)
I'm down. I work weekends but I'll try to be on as much as possible. Really enjoy playing as a team.
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Re: Practice Nights (xbox 360)
My work schedule is mon,wed,thurs,sat,sun all 5am starts were I'm off on the tues and Friday however on the tues and Friday I hit the sack at 10:30pm for work at days I can do as u can see are Mondays and thurs.i must say these days I'm up from 4am for work and stay on until around 1/2 the next am which would be the am on my day off
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Re: Practice Nights (xbox 360)
What does everyone schedule look like for Monday. I can play during 10-3 pm est but it gets tricky around 5-8 pm est because if wife coming home from work and wants to spend time together . If you want practice everyday I don't have a problem with it, but as a group we all need to be on the same page. I talk alittle about with John and Arch. Communication and Discipline are major focus. We think Rush is a mode to start off with because of the recruits coming in and because it is a more objective focus gameplay.
Re: Practice Nights (xbox 360)
I agree Bear. I think an objective based game mode would be good to start with. Gives us focus and narrower field for team work. We could work on pepper-potting and such like. Arcs of fire...covering etc.
It will take a lot of discipline to stick as a tight unit no matter the situation. It might mean we miss kills but it may also mean we get objectives and save tickets.
I thought we did well most of the time last night...good communication and effort put in from all involved. More practice on this would be beneficial for sure.
sent from the edge of your perception