Just wanted to give you guys heads up that on battlefield has post this on battlelog. I have put a link below so that you guys can check it out.
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Just wanted to give you guys heads up that on battlefield has post this on battlelog. I have put a link below so that you guys can check it out.
damn! free battle pack everyday just for playing multiplayer! dope! thanx for the post KBEAR!
great, thanks for the lead.
Berry nice
That's freakin awesome...thanks for the post Sarge!
sent from the edge of your perception
the all player double XP is kind of enticing... less time to hit shit bucket status.
This is great gonna have to get on everyday.
Sent from a place with free wifi.
Thanks Sargie!
This is amazing news. I knew dice would come through.
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk
The link comes up white on my phone pose I can't see it
Sent from underneath a boulder