Alpha Squad Fireteam 2, Read Here!
Hey guys, I have been made fireteam leader for FT2, and since I believe I've only played with Alpha and Myk, I would like it if we could get a session scheduled for the rest of us to get acquainted. I can do most any night after 9pm except this coming Friday, and am available at other times as well. I do work and go to school full time, but my only "set" hours are class times, mon-wed 9-12 and 5-9pm (except tuesdays, where I am free at night). That said, like I said, I have a lot of work to do as well that I need to budget my own time for.
Even a two hour session or something along those lines should be enough for us to get to know each other and out playstyles for those of us who haven't played together yet.
FT2 members please respond here, and let's hear some times you guys are good to play!
Here's the updated roster thread:
Alpha FT 2:
Emperor XIX-FT leader
-Spitefire Johnny
-Seann Connery
Re: Alpha Squad Fireteam 2, Read Here!
FYI, Spitfire and Seann are still on 360.
Re: Alpha Squad Fireteam 2, Read Here!
I'm game for that mate. I typically just jump into a conquest and play about with all the fast-paced COD/CS:S gamer fans. However, I think it would be awesome to have some in-game sessions scheduled and to actually enjoy the strategic play that battlefield was made for. Oh.. and if I see you online I will be sure to holler at you. Over n' out!
Re: Alpha Squad Fireteam 2, Read Here!
Alright folks, still awaiting a response from Myk, Seann, and Johnny! I know you two latter folks are on 360, so maybe we can hook up on a different game so we can get some play time in? I've got all of the CODs pre-Ghosts, as well as GTA V. I could possibly be convinced to pick up BF3 as well.
I'd like to see something in the next day or so, you've all gotten PMs the day of the original post, so if you're active on the forum you should be here by then.
Re: Alpha Squad Fireteam 2, Read Here!
if need be i'll send you my old copy of BF3. i don't have a 360 anymore so it's just collecting dust.
Re: Alpha Squad Fireteam 2, Read Here!
Wait... so I'm in a squad with two of whom I can't even game with yet? I'm just going to go out on a limb here and say it's because I'm the rook. Oh, and not to sound like a rude ass to Seann and Spitefire but Emporer, name a time and day so that we can blow some shit up.
Re: Alpha Squad Fireteam 2, Read Here!
There's only so many people to go around to the different squads/fireteams. We aren't the only ones with mixed platforms.
Regardless, Myk and I will be on during the day tomorrow it seems, so then is good. I'll also be on tonight around 10pm est and will likely play nice and late into the night!
Re: Alpha Squad Fireteam 2, Read Here!
Yes I had to fit everybody in FT from both platforms we are goen to get a lot members switching over to xb1 in a couple weeks well I know two for sure
Sent from underneath a boulder
Re: Alpha Squad Fireteam 2, Read Here!
Lol, sorry if I came off in a negative fashion... I was just curious. And that sounds like a plan Emporer. Over n' out!
Re: Alpha Squad Fireteam 2, Read Here!
yup yup. this week ill be active daytimes