Alpha Squad Fire Team 1 Check In
Ok guys I am going to be your fire team leader and we are going to be the best and work the best! Now for that to happen I would like all you guys to post here several times a week with info about yourself, play type, and any issues you may have! In order for us to be dominate we have to trust each other!! So fellas I would like you to introduce yourself here and let each other know your play type, hours you usually play and a day out of the week we can all be on at the same time to play as a squad!
Thanks CAG CelticSaint
Sent from the Saint
Re: Alpha Squad Fire Team 1 Check In
Sooo... Hello, Glad to be apart of this Clan and this team. My play type is all round except sniping, I can be a sniper but I prefer not too. I play to win, so if the team needs me to be Medic, Support, Engineer whatever ill do it. I live in the eastern time zone so I usually get on after I get off work, and when the wife isn't home... ill mostly be on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights. I probably be on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Yup!
Alpha Squad Fire Team 1 Check In
I prefer to play aggressive recon and concentrate on 2 objectives during conquest with spawn beacon support.
My secondary conquest specialty would be engineer with mines and Straw/Stinger.
If on a small CQC map I enjoy playing Support alongside an Assault player with a M320 to hold positions. In that role I would use the Airburst and LMG.
I watch the forums and try to be on when others are on especially in the wintertime (I am a farmer summer is busy for me)
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Re: Alpha Squad Fire Team 1 Check In
Ok fellas just that little bit of info let me know how to use you guys effectively on the field, thanks fellas!!
Ok gentlemen I'm CAG CelticSaint and I'm going to let you know I'm understanding and willing to help you anyway i can but I run a tight ship! So I plan on traing future leaders for CAG!!!
As of the moment fellas if you don't know I work and go to night school so my availability hours our fri-sun but I'm here all day on the forums!
Sent from the Saint
Re: Alpha Squad Fire Team 1 Check In
Ok gentlemen this a very simple set of rules I would for you to follow to be apart of my team:
Rule 1: we all must play together as a squad at least one hour a week and it must be while I'm present! This will help you all to learn to work as a unit and be able to trust each other!
Rule 2: I ask you all make at least 2 post on this thread a week just so I can keep In touch with you and discuss any issues we may have!!
Rule3: if you can't at least fulfill rules 1 & 2 don't expect me to stick my neck out to recommend you for any promotions for they are earned not just given!!
Thank you fellas and I hope to have fun on the field
CAG CelticSaint
Sent from the Saint
Re: Alpha Squad Fire Team 1 Check In
Also fellas subscribe to this thread and you won't have problems finding it and for any reason you need to reach me text me at 1-203-794-2439
Sent from the Saint
Re: Alpha Squad Fire Team 1 Check In
good to know where to send my dick pics.
Re: Alpha Squad Fire Team 1 Check In
Originally Posted by
good to know where to send my dick pics.
Wwooaaahhhh there lol I don't want any late night creeper messages or phone calls lmao
Sent from the Saint
Re: Alpha Squad Fire Team 1 Check In
Sorry, I got this late lol.. Shits been crazy around my battalion and I just switched companies today so that might be a good thing. Still don't have a set schedule yet, but as soon as I find out, I'll let you know.. Celtic knows me and I know him.. We've played a lot together. But those who don't know me, im BLKHawkIrish.. you can call me BLKHawk, Irish or Chris.. don't matter. Im usually a run and gun, but get a good heli pilot and me and another player as engineer, its game over for whoever we are playing lol Dont really know what else to put but if you have any questions feel free to ask. I'll try to be on as much as I can, but If im not on here, I can make a few posts on Tapatalk if I remember lol
Re: Alpha Squad Fire Team 1 Check In
Originally Posted by
Sorry, I got this late lol.. Shits been crazy around my battalion and I just switched companies today so that might be a good thing. Still don't have a set schedule yet, but as soon as I find out, I'll let you know.. Celtic knows me and I know him.. We've played a lot together. But those who don't know me, im BLKHawkIrish.. you can call me BLKHawk, Irish or Chris.. don't matter. Im usually a run and gun, but get a good heli pilot and me and another player as engineer, its game over for whoever we are playing lol Dont really know what else to put but if you have any questions feel free to ask. I'll try to be on as much as I can, but If im not on here, I can make a few posts on Tapatalk if I remember lol
It's all good Irish your serving our country so just keep in touch when you can, thanks fella
Sent from the Saint