Clan Tags For 360
Ok guys I was just looking thru some of the links that were put up for a sharpshooter thread and I noticed that all the members in that game had no clan tags so I'm going to make this necessary that EVERY member and recruit MUST wear the CAG/CAGr represent guys be proud to wear CAG and I will be checking on the this
Sent from underneath a boulder
Re: Clan Tags For 360
im pretty sure this is requiered on the cod side
Re: Clan Tags For 360
the way I found to change the tag is:
1) log in to your battlelog account from a computer.
2) on the top right you'll see your username - click it.
3) click on the "edit profile button"
4) click on the "soldiers" button and change the tag to CAG/CAGr
Re: Clan Tags For 360
Not sure they show up in the reports bro...I know for a fact I have my clan tag on...but never see it in the reports...but it shows at the top of my main battlelog page...
Sent from the edge of your peripherals
Re: Clan Tags For 360
Ok arch I'm just making sure everyone has tags on so we show the other players where we come from
Sent from underneath a boulder
Re: Clan Tags For 360
Fair do's mate...no worries.
Sent from the edge of your peripherals
Re: Clan Tags For 360
Always rocking the CAG tag
Sent from a place with free wifi.
Re: Clan Tags For 360
ok when I get BF4 one of you guy will have to explain this battle log stuff
I want to pick up some BF medals to add to my collection
Re: Clan Tags For 360
Always proud to wear my tags! And so should everyone else be!!