What Are the Origins Behind Your GT?
long ago in a galaxy far, far away there was a thread for other CAG members to explain what the meaning was behind each persons Gamertag. there are a lot of new people in CAG now so i figured instead of resurrecting an old thread why not just start a fresh one, right? so that being written, i'll go first.
mine is simply a song by a Florida Death Metal band known as Deicide. i'm not necessarily a huge fan but i do enjoy passive trolling. i had to add the '13' because someone else had BlameItOnGod, go figure. i came up with a far better GT shortly thereafter, Creeping Deth. for anyone who is not a fan of 80's thrash metal, Creeping Death is an amazing song by Metallica. however i would have spelled Death 'deth' as an ode for the "feud" throughout the 80's and 90's between Metallica and former Metallica lead guitar/songwriter/composer Dave Mustaine, currently of Megadeth. at this point both parties finally came to their senses and have since toured together. never the less, the Metallica/Megadeth fued produced some the best and classic thrash metal between the two bands until Metallica released "Black Album" and became a hard rock band. Megadeth continued to play a more traditional style of thrash until their 96' album "Cryptic Writings".
i plan on changing it to Mephistopheles in the near future based on the a character of German folk-lure. the Greek translation is "me" as a negation, "phos" meaning light and "philis" meaning loving therefore making it mean "not light loving" which describes me fairly well on a few different levels. so know you all have the scoop if that is the direction i go.
so what about the rest of you? what does your Gamertag mean?
Re: What Are the Origins Behind Your GT?
well ive had my tag since like 00 or something and mine is because im a member of breaksk8 we were on americas best dance crew americas got talent rod derdecks fantsy factorie and so on we do nba halftime shows and ncaa ones as well
Re: What Are the Origins Behind Your GT?
wow that's pretty rad dude. good stuff, thanks for contributing bud.
Re: What Are the Origins Behind Your GT?
Well mine describes me lol! Mine goes back to the wee ages of Ireland when we used the black roses to rid our island of snakes:
Celtic was giving to warriors
Saints where hit man/enforcers for church's which where the law back then not police lol
Sent from the Saint
Re: What Are the Origins Behind Your GT?
Re: What Are the Origins Behind Your GT?
My gt:- johnbai84 is basically my name with the slang of my hometown bai,(boy) and my year of birth.subject to change whenever I get round to it
Re: What Are the Origins Behind Your GT?
Well for 18 years I was known as Ice Man...and then Icey Baby as my swedish and Dutch chums used to call me.
But last year I felt it was no longer appropriate and wanted a more mature GT...something that was more me.
I love the Supernatural series...and so thought I'd go for Castiel initially, but no matter what variant of the name I chose...it was taken. Therefore, I chose Archangel, a powerful, protector of people and someone not to be taken lightly. I feel this is very me, especially now I'm a father...but also because I liken this to my play style.
Sent from the edge of your peripherals
Re: What Are the Origins Behind Your GT?
Originally Posted by
My gt:- johnbai84 is basically my name with the slang of my hometown bai,(boy) and my year of birth.subject to change whenever I get round to it
Dang it...been meaning to ask you that lol. Been wanting to call you Johnny boy for ages but didn't want to inadvertently offend or be over familiar.
Sent from the edge of your peripherals
Re: What Are the Origins Behind Your GT?
Mine is a variation on my name (Allyssa). I always played too rough for the girls, and the boys would tease that I wasn't a lap cat but an alley cat. So...yeah. lol
Re: What Are the Origins Behind Your GT?
the saints bit reminds me of Boondock Saints.
great stuff guys! thanks for contributing!