Great Games - Breaking In the Recruit
Awesome night's gaming tonight. Lots of good teamwork...shout outs and killing of fools.
Johnbai84 to start, then RZAraySHARP, Seann Connery and not forgetting our new recruit KarmazGHOST.
You did good tonight Cody...good games, carry on like that and you'll do just fine dude. Get those marksman scores up and we'll get you done.
Excellent games all round...put me in a good mood going to bed :-)
sent from the back o' da bus.
Re: Great Games - Breaking In the Recruit
Likewise angel!! 'Twas a good few games last night and great coms when we didn't buff out and freeze up.good work on getting Cody started with marksman.i was busting to stay on a bit laters but the butt hurt of work comes early.added Cody last night so il be looking to hit a few games with him tonight and square away a few marksman kill.quick question though,is he good with the forums or does Cody need direction on posting his marksman kills on a thread with his battlelog link??
Re: Great Games - Breaking In the Recruit
That cool sir...your early starts are tough!
Cody seems fine with forum activity. We spoke a bit about CAG expectations and conduct and he's cool with that. He has posted his scores from last night and the fact that he continued playing hopefully means he'll stick around.
Once he gets a feel for it and gets to know everyone I think he'll be a fine CAG asset. Just gotta help him get his marksman done ;-)
Just to let you know as well...Cody told me he works full time as well as another part time job volunteering for the local fire won't be unusual to not see him around as much as others, all legit.
sent from the back o' da bus.
Re: Great Games - Breaking In the Recruit
Cool dude well see how things fair up with him obtaining his marksman and how he fairs once this is and home life always will come first in my opinion.hope to catch a game with him soon
Re: Great Games - Breaking In the Recruit
i must of missed you guys last night, i got some games in with rza and karmaz, fun.
btw i have headphones again! =)
maybe tonight ill run into you fellas!
Re: Great Games - Breaking In the Recruit
Originally Posted by
i must of missed you guys last night, i got some games in with rza and karmaz, fun.
btw i have headphones again! =)
maybe tonight ill run into you fellas!
Ah cool, nice one. Look forward to it dude!
sent from the back o' da bus.
Re: Great Games - Breaking In the Recruit
Hell im all about helpin out the newbez cuz i get much help iwhen i was one. so if their any new recruits looking for help just add me