Clan Wars Diamond Division
so there will be a new division in clan wars called diamond you have to win 2 first place in platnimun before you can opt in to play we dont have to do diamond and i dont think there is anything for wining it yet but this is what the notes say
think you clan has what it takes to compete against the best of the best? now's your chance to prove it.
starting this february,eligible clans can participate in the new call of duty clan wars diamond edition.clan wars in the diamond division are played out on a separate schedule,open exclusively to the clans with at least 2 first pklace wins in the platinum division.
clans that meet these requirements will have the opp to opt in for the diamond diviosion before teh next clan wars begins.
from the moment you opt-in you clan will only be able to compete in diamond division wars against other top clans.
diamond details
wars in the diamond division are played out separaltey from bronze through platnium division pool.diamond division wars span three days friday through sunday with a four hour window of play time each day.this means that each diamond division clan war lasts for a total of 12 hours split into 3 four hour sesions.
to ensure the competive field remains balanced,the clan roster will be locked the day before the diamond clan wars begins.
any changes to teh clan roster after this time will not count towards the clan war.
diamond division introduces a leaderboard to showcase clan performance throughout. clans will earn diamond points depending on how they place in each diamond war.a first place finish awards more diamond points then a second,with second awarding more than thrid.
the will be more to come so stay tuned