D4rky MIA
Guys....... this was something i had hoped i never had to experience, but yesterday i came home from work on my lunch. I found my mom on the floor moaning and in pain saying her head hurts. Called 911 and got her the the ER. Spent the better half of the day at the hospital waiting. Turns out that she had some blood in her skull. They wanted to find out why but they had the idea that it was a aneurism. So shes in madison now about an hour away in the hospital. They confirmed that it was a aneurism and shes now in surgery. I'm not gonna be on much these next few days. Not even sure i'll be here for the meeting on sunday but i'll let you guys know if i can. Sry if im just now letting you know but had to take care of the pets and get some sleep.
Take care dude and look after ur mum sorry to hear of the news.u don't need to worry about a thing here just concentrate on yourself and ur mum!
Sorry to hear that mate...hope all is well and your mum can come home soon.
Take care big homie.
sent from the back o' da bus.
i hope everything works out for the best. take care buddy.
man, take care of your family first. we will be here when you get back
Dam sorry to hear darky tell her to take care
Sent from underneath a boulder
Dam homie i feel ur pain. I hope the best for ur mom and that she gets better.. Keep ur head up...
prayers for your mom I hope every thing goes good for her take care of your mom bro we will be here when she is better and you can get back
Take all the time you need just make sure and take care of your mums
Sent from the DOG TAG collector
I know the feeling my Man, handle business Bro and don't worry about the clan right now. Your Mom is #1 priority Bro and there is no need for you to or anyone here to ever have to come on the forums to let us know why you guys missed a few days or what ever the case may be. We do appreciate it though that you dropped by and told us what is going on, but for you and everyone else, when something like this happens you guys, handle business first and then worry about CAG. Family comes first.
Hope your Mom gets better my Man ...giver her a big hug from all of us when you get the chance ! ...and don't forget to tell her you Love Her Bro ...