Core TDM
Core TDM is what I know best, just take a look at the clan leaderboard. I really haven't been able to find a consistent group of Core TDM players in CAG yet, but I would like to assemble a group that can play every night. I've finally got eveything going now and every match is a K/D of 2 or 3. Let me know if you to dominate some Core TDM.
Hey man I will be on tomorrow night. Maybe we can get a group of guys going. You got you jaw fixed up yet?
The Matador is in flying the colors
Does any of you cod players have xb1?
Sent from skull island
Yeah jaw is all fixed. Im as good as ever now :)
Sweet man I'll be back on Monday cause of the New Years.
The Matador is in flying the colors
Who's winning right now..
Having fun isn't hard when you have a library card.