Ch3dz Marksman
Good job. Keep up the good work.
I can successfully confirm all the above games and the fact that u have successfully completed ur marksman.next thing to do is to request ur DOGG ribbon award and marksman award via the awards tab at the top of the website.if you need help doing so just let me know ch3dz and well get it sorted out.was good playing with u last night dude ur a strong bf player!
Great job!!!
Also, you can go into Battlelog and set your clan tag to CAG if you like.
I tried to request my DOGG ribbon and it says i do not have the right permissions?
Kujeaux I already have sir.
First off dude did u fill out an application when u first came to our site?
He did, check his profile -> latest posts. It was 3 weeks ago though and his name is white. He might have been kicked back to registered user rather than recruit.
hey Ch3dz,
Kujeaux right, you got moved to register user due to not being active for past two weeks sense day one after you submit the bf application. Next time, just make sure you be active on form as possible. Other than that i change your status to recruit so you can request your marksman and dogg medal.
Congratz on completing your marksman!