HI Everyone
Hi everyone I am new here at CAG.I have spent the past year voting for you guys while my clan started to fade away.I look forward to meeting everyone here & just kicking some total ass.I am an older gent but I can be like the name implies an Xfactor.So I wanted to introduce myself as it is one thing that should always be done.I follow rules & regulations to a fault & am always loyal to ADMIN & above all else the founder of the clan...In short this clan has my loyalty.
Welcome to CAG you will like being here you can add me on xbl my gamertag is the same as my user name
You can add me as well same as my user name on here and if you need anything or have questions hit me up here or xbox
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welcome to CAG Brother, add me on XBL, its Omega985
Having fun isn't hard when you have a library card.
Welcome to CAG thanks for applying and have fun
Sent from skull island
Welcome to CAG
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Welcome to CAG! Add me on XBL and we can get you started with things!
Welcome to the clan :thumbup: