I'm active army currently in Korea. looking for people to play some games with. I have PS4 and xbox 360. LGC_Forsaken for PSN and LGC Forsaken CX on 360
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I'm active army currently in Korea. looking for people to play some games with. I have PS4 and xbox 360. LGC_Forsaken for PSN and LGC Forsaken CX on 360
hey buddy where in korea u stationed
Right now I'm at Camp Casey near the DMZ
Damn man I just got back from Korea a couple months ago I was at Casey archangel company 1-72 infantry I was in Casey too dragon valley
I'm 1/15th 2nd ID. I'm at the Casey base but I'm up a bit in Hovey.
I know where 1/15 is at close to thunder inn dfac I got a friend over there
No, its near WRC. Close to the Hovey Bowling alley
Whats going on man.. I hear Korea is pretty cool, I have a couple friends there. DA BEARS!!!
ohh ok i know where your at now i didnt know hovey had a bowling alley at lease i dont think they did while i was there
I was stationed at Casey also..my boy runs golden gate club lol..good times
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