Congratulations CAG ! One Full Year As the #1 Clan On !!!
When this night is over, CAG will have been voted #1 on for 1 full year, that is 12 straight months that CAG's members have taken the time to show how proud they are of their Clan, fellow members and everything that CAG stands for, TEAM SPIRIT !
Many other clans have said, "Oh wow, its a website that is just about it's own members voting for their own clan" and they are correct. Our Clan, CAG the Family, it's members are so proud of this clan, this website and forums that they take the time every day to vote as much as they can to show their "Team Spirit", Loyalty and how proud they are to belong to such a great Family !!!
I want to personally thank every single member of CAG for voting every day for the last 12 months on Being #1 for month is hard enough and being voted 12 months in a row is just simply amazing and something that everyone in CAG should be proud of.
We were accused of cheating, hacking and everything in between during the last 12 months, yet CAG has continued to drive in recruits every single day to these forums who are interested in joining. Those who understand what a Clan which means (Family) in Ireland and Scotland as well as other parts of the world including Africa, is all about find out right away why CAG is the #1 Clan in the world.
It has taken me over 10 years to convince others that CAG is and will always be the Clan to be in. Here with CAG, our members have developed very intimate relationships with other members, past and present where some even know each other in person.
We have helped each other in many different ways, emotionally and even financially and that is something that real friends do for each other no matter what. I consider most members of CAG some of closest friends because of what they have done for "Me" and the Clan over the years and just like all of our "real" Families, we too have fights and disagreements, but in the end we figure out ways to solve those issues and either compromise or put them behind us.
I want to give special thanks to Toxic for being the person he has been for the last 7+ years I have known him, Bob, without you man I would of probably given up a long time ago. You never fail to tell me how it is, you are always blunt, as forward as anyone can be and you always know what to say to me when I am fired up. I can't thank you enough Toxic and I hope one day we actually get the chance to sit down and get shitfaced together so we can laugh about all the shit we have heard and seen as the Leaders of CAG. I know we had a chance last year but I couldn't make it to Vegas Bro, but I will make that up to you very soon !
To Stormy, what can I say about you man, no matter what people throw at you and we all know you are not the greatest of players yet you never allow any of that to get to you and ever once in a while you pull one out of your hat and end up at the top of the leaderboard after a game, you still play the game with us and you have fun and you make it fun for all of us when we play with you. That's what its all about Old Man, 80 years old and you just don't give a FUCK ! ... Stormy, you are the perfect example of what a die hard CAG Dogg is, thank you Bro for sticking around for as long as you have.
To Knockers, dude I have seen you grow in so many ways and you are now over seas serving your Country. While you were here you did some amazing things as a player that I still say, "WTF, did he really do that?". I am proud of you Knockers and I hope you continue to grow as a Man !
To Lucy, dude what can I say about you? Probably one of the biggest pains in my ass yet I still love having you around. You are always there as well when I need some advice and I thank you for that.
To my Perro Patron, I am always amazed by the shit that you do for everyone in the clan Perro, from giving away controllers to setting up clan events and your current actions with the business cards for recruitment. Shit, you have so much spirit and there is absolutely no doubt in anyone's mind how proud you are to be a CAG Dogg. We only live a few cities away Patron and hopefully real soon you and I get to sit down and pound some together. Thank you Perro for being the down to earth motherfucker you are!
To BlackDogg, you sob ! You are probably going to end up giving me another fucking stroke, but yet you still never fail to amaze me with the shit that you say and do. You helped catapult the huge growth on COD early this year and I am very glad to have you back. You are now my Lead Admin and I hope that you and I continue to work together and figure out ways to make CAG bigger than what it already is. You and I Black can turn CAG into a household name and brand the CAG name. Thank you dude, just don't end my life anytime soon !
To Bx, LOL, you and I are very much alike, and that is a scary thing, yet I really doubt that things would be as good as they are without you. Outspoken and emotional, you bring a lot to the table. Don't change dude, I really mean that, I need your strength more than you can imagine, you balance me out and I thank you for that.
To bluedevil, dude, just wow ! "Your" MLG Team top 5, nothing else to say ! It's though for any clan to have a great MLG team, yet you put one together and lead it to a top 5 finish this summer. Without a doubt you helped bring in a lot of interested players to our forums and I want to thank you for also being as stubborn as you were when you said "just let us do our thing". So keep on doing your "think" blue, you earned it !
Randy, if Lucy was not here, you would seriously be my biggest pain in the ass, but you figure out ways to get it done. You helped more than you can think of especially during our Black Ops campaign. I think this year Randy, you can seriously make an argument for yourself as being one of CAG's most versatile players and members. I am very confident in your and it's time for you to be as confident in yourself as well. Thanks for sticking around even though you end up hearing it from me all the time.
And finally Diamond, dude where do I even begin with you? Your leadership is 2nd to none, from the time you got here you displayed great qualities that I had never seen from any past member especially officers in the past. You chose to go up the Chain of Command unlike any other member. You worked your ass off to be a fire-team, squad leader. You were so good you jumped right over the Platoon Commander's billet and you grabbed the bull by its horns. As an Officer you have managed to bring together so many different types of players, from the most competitive to the casual gamers. You are now CAG's 3rd in Command and I hope you continue to represent CAG the way it's supposed to be represented.
If I continue with these thanks I wont stop till next year, so long thank yous short, I want to thank rest of the Officers for helping make CAG the #1 Clan as well. You all are quickly figuring things out and that is the reason CAG continues to go on strong regardless of the shit that gets thrown at us. Every single one of you guys and girls are proof of what hard work gets you here in CAG and yes that includes the ass chewings and headaches, fun right?
And to all the members who I didn't mention which includes the recruits and guests of these forums, thank you, thank you, thank you, for voting CAG as the #1 Clan for all these months. Without you guys coming here, CAG couldn't of made it #1 all these months and a year is something to be extremely proud of.
Now lets make it 2 years in a row you guys, lets vote the shit out of it tonight and keep CAG at #1 !!!!