I have set up a sniper team. I am primary sniper, and monarchy24 is spotter.
Let me know if you are interested in joining this team
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I have set up a sniper team. I am primary sniper, and monarchy24 is spotter.
Let me know if you are interested in joining this team
We also need 2 TeamLeaders. Anyone interested please step up.
ill join the sniper team im a little rusty in sniping but i can do it
Now remember guys, a Sniper Team is 2 people per Team. We need a full Team which will consist of 6-8 Members with the Sniper Team included in that Team. Right now it looks like we just might have our Team finally set up.
yea, we can take turns on sniper teams if everyone wants to.
i dont have to be on the sniper team i was just saying if u need me i could snipe but idc were im at on the team
We should cross train though, that way we can all be able to do it all. Sometimes during matches the smart thing is to pick up a sniper rifle to get that win. So we should all learn to do it all.
very true, thats what my goal was on spec ops
yea we to cross train and look for people that do it all decent
but im just putting that out there