Today around 1130 eastern time General Shinseki announces Disabled Vets and troops on the Ground may not get paid as of Nov 1st
CAG Covieleader
Alpha Co XO
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Today around 1130 eastern time General Shinseki announces Disabled Vets and troops on the Ground may not get paid as of Nov 1st
CAG Covieleader
Alpha Co XO
There are hard times coming for everyone if this "shut down" doesn't stop and if Obamacare comes into effect. This is just the beginning. Btw the House has passed a bill to pay all military and also open all national parks, but the Senate will not do anything on it till the debt limit is finished. Plus Obama is not negotiating with "terrorist" (Republicans and Tea Party alike). Just think it is funny that the Democrats and Democrats controlled media are pushing all the blame on to the Republicans. Saying they are the reason this is all happening. Everyone should know that the House is controlled with a majority of the Republicans (which are the ones that are passing bills to open certain sections of the government to being paid), and the Democrats which control the Senate are sitting on these said bills and allowing the government to continue to be "shut down" (which is only around 25% of the government).
Another thing is there have been leaders of the Federal Park Service that have said that they have been given direct orders to inflict as much "pain" to the nation as possible. That is why they have road blocks and police officers outside of Mount Rush Moore, the WW2 Memorial (which is not even allowing Honor Flights or Vets in general to see THEIR own memorial), shutting down privately owned businesses that happen to be in federal land, and even limiting the staff and visitors that travel to see the White House for tours along with Mount Vernon (which is also privately owned. Everything there is privately owned).
I am sorry for all you Vet and Active duty that are effected by this. You have given a lot or are giving a lot for this country and they are treating you like sheep. Just like the rest of us. I hope and pray that things get better for not only you all but for everyone.
The Matador is in rough seas
Complete fucking bullshit, so this means my VA benefits are no longer mine right? Like my insurance and monthly monies?
I fell for all the vets. my dad is a 25yr vet and his vet checks might stop. just because of the a-holes in congress that don't want to see the big picture of who they are realy hurting
Yes Cheech VA benefits are threatened as of Nov 1st we will not get paid if the debt ceiling is not reached
CAG Covieleader
Alpha Co XO
This is fucking bullshit dude ....fuck Obama, fuck the US Government, fuck the US Senate and Congress fuck them all !
While these fucks have their bank accounts secured with no worries we are going to get fucked in the ass again by these assholes next month....complete bullshit...I just read an article about 6 men killed in Afghanistan this week and now they wont be getting that money because of this shit...are you fucking shitting me!
Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki warned lawmakers on Wednesday that the partial government shutdown means that about 3.8 million veterans will not receive disability compensation next month.
Shinseki, in testimony before the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs, said pensions to more than half a million vets or surviving spouses will also be derailed if the stalemate over a temporary spending measure drags on into late October.
The Associated Press reports:
"Shinseki drew comparisons to the last shutdown in 1996, a time of sustained peace. The current shutdown occurs as the war in Afghanistan is in its 13th year and as hundreds of thousands have returned from Iraq. They are enrolling in VA care at higher rates than previous generations of veterans.Rep. Jeff Miller, the Republican chairman of the committee, questioned whether the administration had given accurate and complete information to veterans as to the full impact of the shutdown.
" 'They, along with the veterans of every preceding generation, will be harmed if the shutdown continues,' Shinseki said."
"We've had some difficulty in the last couple of weeks getting good information about VA's contingency plan and the effects a lapse in appropriation would have on veterans," he said.
Shinseki told the committee that the VA had planned for an orderly shutdown but that "unprecedented legal and programmatic questions" have arisen.
Update At 1:30 p.m. EDT. White House To 'Fix' Death Benefit Problem
After much criticism from Republican lawmakers over the halting of emergency benefits to families of service members killed, press secretary Jay Carney told reporters Wednesday that the president has directed lawyers at the Defense Department and White House budget office to find an immediate legal fix for paying death benefits.
"When [the president] found out that this was not addressed he directed that a solution be found and we expect one today," Carney said.
NPR Pentagon correspondent Tom Bowman says 26 service members have died since the shutdown began, six of them in Afghanistan, but unless the issue is resolved, their families will not receive the $100,000 death benefit owed them.
The death gratuity is usually paid within three days, Bowman says.
Officials say four of the servicemen died in a roadside bomb attack in Afghanistan on Sunday. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is traveling to Dover Air Force Base on Wednesday for the arrival of their remains.
Read this shit for yourselves !
Yeah this shit is real and not some bull shit that you acn pass off or click past..please help us veterans and active duty military personnel by contacting you4 government officials and telling them how you feel about this shit and also come election no matter how much cooler they look then the other guys VOTE THE FUCKERS OUT! Im starting a new campaign for this shit....I say Republican or Democrat or what ever you stand by ...we after this bull sgut happen need to VOTE THE FUCKERS OUT...not playing do it and show them we fucking control this bitch!
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We have Vets dieing in Combat and thier familys are not getting thier burrial alotment or SGLI!!! But Congress is still getting paid. WTF!!! Wake up America!!! Impeach this Bastard now. We have Disabled Vets that cannot work or have any alternative income but thier VA disability and Social Security. Let one mother fuckin bank come to my house. They better bring a fuckin Army of Cops because I owe on every thing I own and my new Dream Crib.
CAG Covieleader
Alpha Co XO
Honestly that is what has gotten us this far. People called in and told their respective congressman that they didn't want Obamacare, and so they voted and then the Senate didn't pass it because the house said they would raise the debt ceiling if they could defund Obamacare. Senate and The President said they wouldn't pass or allow (by vote or veto) any bills that didn't have a "clean" (like no stipulations) resolution.
The Matador is in rough seas