MADDEN ROCKS!!!! I know that because i've been playing since i was six and madden does turely's the most hackin awesome game and i can't wait for madden11 :woohoo:
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MADDEN ROCKS!!!! I know that because i've been playing since i was six and madden does turely's the most hackin awesome game and i can't wait for madden11 :woohoo:
Yes it does Grant! and Madden 11 is out already dude! get it!
madden 11 is a very good game, all though i cant play online till i transfer my stuff over from my old xbox to my new one,, but still is a good game and very good online play..
I don't play it online anymore, too many cheaters. I play it religiously offline though together with NCAA and import my drafts. Love it!
Madden 07 was personally my favorite one so far, I loved just goin online kicken someones ass and them gettin pissed about it