Jus wanted to say GREAT GAME guys...B to the K and Will 2780...win streaks like crazy on Black Ops 2...keep em comin...I will be on again tonight...DEUCES!!!
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Jus wanted to say GREAT GAME guys...B to the K and Will 2780...win streaks like crazy on Black Ops 2...keep em comin...I will be on again tonight...DEUCES!!!
oh mylanta someone else who says deuces. love it. are you enjoying it here thus far buddy?
hell yea..ive been playin with will 2780 and B to the K since MW3..tactical and very strategic gamers..and thats what I also see most in CAG players..and to answer ur question..SO FAR SOOOO AWESOME..haha
that is indeed what is up dude, glad to here it. we have a lot of fun. it's also not so outrageously huge to the point where you may not meet everyone. because i play battlefield i don't get to talk to everyone like i used to but it's cool. i generally run into them in way or another. plus the forum's are great because you get to shoot the shit with everyone ya know?
also dude, i mentioned it a few time's to other member's of the military, active or retired, but it was before you came through so i'll just do it again. thank you for everything dude. it's truly appreciated.
no problem man...I love my job...and i'm glad I'm serving this country...because everywhere we go...we hear "GOD BLESS AMERICA"...and I would like to say on this post...GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! and God bless CAGCLAN....HAHA...DEUCES!!!
good stuff man. the longer you stick around the more amazing people you will meet. and if you cruise the forum's you will always see people who genuinely care about other people in the clan. it's a very close tight knit community that is for sure and i wouldn't want it any other way.
I believe that...in less than a month and I see it already...I thank all clan members for including me in this clan...now..one more time for the road...GOD BLESS CAG CLAN...hmmm...I should use this phrase in my profile..maybe holler it everytime I meet with a CAGCLAN member on BLOPS 2..haha...great idea
i like your style lol.
yep...already on my status...lol
and now its my intro on my profile...WINNING