Microsoft XBOX Illumiroom
This was announced at CES, what you guys think?
CES 2013: Microsoft reveals Xbox IllumiRoom concept by
Lee Dobson | on January 10, 2013 Microsoft have unveiled IllumiRoom, a proof-of-concept system which uses Kinect and a projector to augment the area around the television screen with projected visualizations.
Microsoft say the visualizations can “change the appearance of the room, induce apparent motion, extend the field of view, and enable entirely new game experiences.” The tech was first outed via a patent Microsoft applied for last September, more information on the concept system will be revealed at the CHI 2013 conference in Paris on April 27, until then check out the demo below.
Could be pretty awesome with the FPS type games (and pretty much anything else).
Microsoft XBOX Illumiroom
If they combined that wit the 3d content so that the picture didn't seem to just end at the edges holy shit! ...what the future holds for gaming...