Black Ops 2 Review
Today I read that Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 became the biggest entertainment launch of all time, $500 million generated in 24 hours and I honestly can see why.
After playing the multiplayer which is really the only reason I buy 3rd person shooters nowadays, Black Ops 2 without a doubt is this year's #1 game.
Sure much hasn't changed from all the other COD titles but Black Ops 2 is still a completely different game. If you can overlook the still horrible hit detection and knife melee attacks Black Ops 2 plays wonderfully. The sounds of each weapon are sharp and you can tell when someone is shooting something different around you. The surround sound is beautiful, if you own a gaming head set there is nothing you can't hear in this game.
By CAG CheechDogg
November 16th, 2012
Today I read that Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 became the biggest entertainment launch of all time, $500 million generated in 24 hours and I honestly can see why.
After playing the multiplayer which is really the only reason I buy 3rd person shooters nowadays, Black Ops 2 without a doubt is this year's #1 game.
Sure much hasn't changed from all the other COD titles but Black Ops 2 is still a completely different game. If you can overlook the still horrible hit detection and knife melee attacks Black Ops 2 plays wonderfully. The sounds of each weapon are sharp and you can tell when someone is shooting something different around you. The surround sound is beautiful, if you own a gaming head set there is nothing you can't hear in this game.
The player models are as detailed as ever which is something COD games are known for. What really caught my attention was how the overall system of Black Ops 2 was set up. What do I mean? Well lets take a look at how the perks system works this year.
Unlike other COD games, Black Ops 2 offers probably the best perks system possible to date. It allows you to have up to 6 perks but you have to sacrifice your secondary weapon and possibly your lethal and tactical grenades depending on what you choose for your perks.
Every perk is also well balanced so far and I am only at level 38. I have been able to be completely dominant and I have also been dominated by the other team as well. The one perk that really stands out this year is the Flak Jacket will allows you take less explosive damage and be able to survive (at full health) most explosive weapons that are used directly against you.
I currently do not have a class that has a secondary weapon and I feel dominant even if I am on a losing team. Along with the perks you also have the ability to have up to 3 attachments and if you don't care for tactical or lethals you can have a very powerful weapons system at your disposal.
One piece of Tactical equipment you will definitely enjoy is Black Hat which allows you to bring down uavs, care package helos and much much more. It is a Hacker's dream come true!
The maps in Black Ops 2 are also very well designed in my opinion. It has maps for every type of battle scenario you can think of. Even the smallest of maps allows you to use or have a sniper on your team and the biggest of maps also allows you get involved in close quarters combat.
Yes I still do not like the hit detection it is the worst I have seen in any game, but for some reason this year I am not getting as frustrated as I have with past COD games. I have now accepted the fact that COD games are not and will never be realistic games but instead the best arcade style, pick up and play games that you can play with friends, especially with a Clan.
COD games have made it perfectly clear they do not intend these games to be for the hardcore but instead for the casual and not so skilled gamers who just want to be able to pick up a game and be able to kick some ass online.
No COD game will ever change my gaming style, I will continue to camp and wait for the enemy to come to me as I completely frustrate them to the point of quitting games or sending me messages calling me a camper but not just using that one word. They make use of the complete obscene dictionary and do not hold back or care about insulting me at all and that makes me happy!
On top of all this is the way they decided to use the killstreaks this year. I have not seen many killstreaks decided games so far but I have seen the occasional game were a kill streak this decide the outcome of a game. Having to actually have a score and not kills award you killstreaks is probably the biggest and most welcomed change in Black Ops 2.
Black Ops 2 has without a doubt earned the tittle of #1 game for 2012 and that high $500 rake in so far. If you want a game that has it all Black Ops 2 is a must buy game. No it is not realistic, yes the game still has horrible hit detection, but all that seems to not matter at all this year with the way the overall game plays.
I am not going to give this game a score by area but rather give this game an overall score of 9 out of 10. The only thing that would of made this game a perfect 10 is an option to have up to 18 players in team deathmatch instead of only 12.
Go get this game !!!
If you have this game what do you think, what are you impressions?
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