Service Record
This is a reminder for everyone especially new recruits about their Service Record. You must update your Service Record if you have not done so immediately. If you do not keep your Service Record updated we can not promote you or give you any Awards, Medals or Ribbons you might have earned. When updating your Service Record, please make sure the following fields are filled:
1. 360 Gamertag / PS3 ID
2. Email
3. Birthday (optional but we recommend you provide it so that other members know your b-day and possibly receive a gift from the Clan)
4. Location
5. Country
6. Days and times available to play
7. Service Branch (branch you want to represent and use for your Rank's Insignia)
8. Recruited by
9. Background
If you can not log in, please respond and let us know you can not log in. We will then issue you a temporary password that you can then change once you log in. Do not ignore this reminder. Failure to complete this order will result in immediate removal from the Clan. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Thanks to all in advance!
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