Inter Clan Squad Matches
Ok you guys we need to start setting up some inter clan squad matches. I want to shoot for next week or week after for us to begin. These squad matches will be in private lobbies east vs west.
I want to have at least 2 squad matches per night so we can start working against the best we have. This will of course help us vs other teams and squads.
Once we get a month in of these squad matches or when your Squad or Platoon Leaders feel you are ready, you can begin doing squad matches vs other clans.
Everyone is expected to participate in these schedule events. I will be getting with the squad, platoon and division leaders about these events over the weekend and we will post all the information here.
Oh i like it, nothing better than getting better playing the best we have. Good shit!
Hell yeah dude, we can also maybe play for some prize, like the winning team gets some MS points from the losing team ?
I can't wait to kick some ass. Is this for Mw3 and GRFS or just GRFS?
I'm setting this up for GRFS, but the MW3 guys should be doing the same as well.
Get with SYKO about this, tell him to man up! lol
Dude that means you and I on the same squad Sprite, game over haha
Hahaha me, time and knocker on the same squad?!?! We aren't gonna lose!!!!