Call of Duty WW2
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Award: COD: Advanced Warfare Marksman's Badge

COD: Advanced Warfare Marksman's Badge

The AW Marksman's Badge can be earned using choice of weapon from the SMG, LMG or Assault Weapon Systems.

Only difference between the entry Marksman and the AW Marksman is having to get 15 kills or more and no more than 10 deaths 15 times in Hardcore mode and 30 times in Core mode.


1. Choice of weapon and loadout

2. Must have 15 kills and no more than 10 deaths 15 times in Hardcore, 30 times in Core

3. No killstreak rewards allowed

4. No team kills are allowed or explosives

5. Must be paired off with a Fireteam or Squad Leader to confirm requirements are met

All other requirements stay the same.

Point Value = 500

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