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Titanfall Awards
Awards given to members of CAG on Titanfall
Icon Award Name Description
CAG Titanfall Marksman CAG Titanfall Marksman CAG Titanfall Marksman
CAG Marksman requirements for TITANFALL

1. Choice of AR, or SMG loadout.

2. 20 kills in attrition mode 5 times, Pilot kills count as 3 and titan kills count as 4.

3. No grunt kills don't count.

4. No Titans allowed or explosives. ( a.k.a. ordnance )

5. Must be have a full CAG member present who has been in CAG a minimum of 1 month

Point Value: TBA

Members who received this award: 1
CAG Archangel

Recommend Award
CAG Titanfall Assaultman CAG Titanfall Assaultman CAG Titanfall Assaultman
Get 500 total kills with an AR or SMG. Must provide statistics in "Personal Statistics" menu.

Point Value: TBA

Members who received this award: 1
CAG Archangel
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Recommend Award
CAG Titanfall Sharpshooter CAG Titanfall Sharpshooter CAG Titanfall Sharpshooter
Get 500 total kills with a the Kraber, Longbow, or the G2A4 Rifle. Must provide statistics in "Personal Statistics" menu.

Point Value: TBA

No member has this award
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Recommend Award
CAG Titanfall Streetsweeper CAG Titanfall Streetsweeper CAG Titanfall Streetsweeper
Get 50 total kills in a Atrition match. Must be paired off with a full CAG member to complete orprovide a game clip featuring the leaderboard. Pilot Kills count as 3 kills, Grunts/Spectres count as 1 kill. Titan Kills count as 4 kills.

Point Value: to be determined

Members who received this award: 1
CAG Archangel
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Recommend Award
CAG Titanfall Rain Maker CAG Titanfall Rain Maker CAG Titanfall Rain Maker
Kill 5 pilots in Atrition with the Rocket Salvo. Must be paired with a full CAG member to complete. Please provide a 30 second game clip for each kill (will be viewed through SmartGlass).

Point Value: to be determined

No member has this award
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Recommend Award
CAG Titanfall Medal of Valor CAG Titanfall Medal of Valor CAG Titanfall Medal of Valor
Awarded to Doggs who display excellent teamwork, dilligence, and skill in-game. Can only be recommended by other CAG members.

Pont Value: to be determined

No member has this award
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CAG Clan Awards

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